
We care for our guests; we care for the Indian Ocean islands where our properties are located and the planet we all live in.


Committed to delivering the best of service while keeping our environment clean and sustainable,
we integrated environmental leadership into everything we do and adopt the best practices while complying with regulatory requirements.

Since 2013, we started on an environmental sustainability performance program to strengthen our commitment to the people and prosperity of our different locations: The Green Globe Certification.

We implemented a number of eco measures, adopted the best sustainable practices & green initiatives to become eco-luxury hotels and resorts.

We are now a Gold member of the Green Globe certification.

Gold member of the Green Globe certification



Our tribute to Nature's Wonder



We aim at increasing the sustainability of our operations through positive contributions to biodiversity conservation, cultural heritage preservation and community development.
Our four key areas of focus: Environmental, Socio-Cultural, Quality and Health & Safety.



Since 2013, we started an environmental sustainability performance program to promote our environmental credentials and to obtain the Green Globe certification.
Thanks to the great effort and passion of all the team over the last 5years, we are now a Gold member of the Green Globe certification.

See our full action plan here



While the well-being of our guests remains our main priority, we also commit ourselves to carry out operations in a sustainable manner, taking every step possible to preserve the environment around us.

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Our focus areas & some of the many actions we are working on:

Environmental Awareness

  • Maintain awareness among our team members and guests on environmental issues & preservation of local cultures.
  • Implemented Green initiatives at the hotels and workplaces.
  • Encourage team members & guests to participate and support green actions.


Energy, Water & Waste

  • Opt for energy efficiency equipment and low energy appliances.
  • Install sensors, regulators and other water saving devices.
  • Desalination of sea water.

Green Procurement

  • Favour eco-friendly and power-efficient products.
  • Prefer eco-friendly designs and eco-labelled products.
  • Buy in bulk to reduce packaging wastes.

Destination Protection

  • Ensure the protection of natural and cultural values of the surrounding.
  • Promote local food, entertainment and culture.
  • Offer guests souvenirs made locally and which are eco-friendly.

Marine Life Conservation

  • Ensuring waste water is not discharged in the ocean.
  • Encouraging and supporting clean-up of the marine and coastal environment.
  • Coral planting.
  • Reef-safe sunscreen awareness


  • Use organic fertilisers.
  • Water plant in rational way.
  • Buy sustainably harvested seafood and agricultural products.


Business Ethics & Human Rights


  • Respect local population and culture.
  • International employees are made aware of the local culture.
  • Respect the labour law and regulations, no employment of children, sexual harassment and exploitation is strictly prohibited.


  • Constance Minimum Standards guide to all hotels for excellent quality, service and product.
  • Satisfaction surveys are given to guests.
  • Online reviews are encouraged, valued and acted upon accordingly.

Workforce & Development

  • Health & Safety.
  • Employee Training, Employee Satisfaction Surveys.
  • Community Engagement